Let There Be Light!

Some blackout fun.



Our power is back!!! Everything goes back to normal starting today 🙂


WOD – 11/5/12


For time:
Row 1000m
30 Bear complex reps (115#/80#)
50 Burpees

Post time to comments.

Screw You “Sandy”…..Day 6!

Turtle Power!!!



We are still not sure if we will have power, but the regular class schedule for Saturday is on. With some help from O&R, hopefully things will be normal by Monday!


WOD – 11/3/12

Two rounds for time of:
50 Pull-ups
75 Sit-ups
50 Overhead squats (75#/55#)
75 Double-unders

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Screw You “Sandy”…..Day 5!

Burpees to the oldies, compliments of “The Sweaty Simmons”!



As of last night, CFR still had no power. We will continue to only host classes during daylight hours. This includes: 9:30am, 10:30am & 4:30pm.


WOD – 11/2/12

Shoulder Press

Push Press

Push Jerk

Post weight(s) used to comments.

Screw You “Sandy”…..Day 4!

Sorry things have been so “upside-down” lately! Hopefully this craziness ends SOON!!



As of last night, CFR still had no power. For now, we will continue to only host classes during daylight hours. This includes: 9:30am, 10:30am & 4:30pm.


WOD – 11/1/12

Tabata Thrusters (75#/55#)
Rest 4 minutes
Row 1000 meters

Tabata score is the least number of reps completed during any of the eight intervals.

Post tabata score and row time to comments.

Screw You “Sandy”!



As of last night, CFR still had no power. Hopefully this will not be the case this morning, but if we still have no power, we are planning to host classes only during daylight hours. This includes: 9:30am, 10:30am & 4:30pm.

Also, we have been notified by our website host that their server (located in Manhattan) has been affected by the storm and the CFR website might go down at some point…..thanks “Sandy”!


WOD – 10/31/12

Take 15 minutes and work on your handstand push-ups (HSPU).


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts (315#/225#)
Box jumps (30“/24”)

Post time to comments.

Schedule Update….

Don’t worry….try and stay clam….the storm is almost over!!!



Sorry folks…CFR still has no power. All classes for today will be canceled. Hopefully this will not continue into tomorrow, but if it does we are planning to host classes during daylight hours. This includes: 9:30am, 10:30am & 4:30pm.

Also, we have been notified by our website host that their server (located in Manhattan) has been affected by the storm and the CFR website might go down at some point…..thanks “Sandy”!

Stay tuned to both the CrossFit Rockland website & FB page for additional schedule changes or closures due to the storm. 


WOD – 10/30/12

For 18 minutes complete the following:
At the top of every odd minute complete 2 hang power cleans at 80% of 1RM.
At the top of every even minute complete as many burpees as possible for 30 seconds, then rest for the remaining 30 seconds.

Score is the total number of burpees completed.

Post score to comments.

Stay Tuned For Schedule Changes or Closures….

The CFR “Scream N’ Clean” Team – 2012

We also want to congratulate Drew, Pete, Deb L. & Katie on finishing 4th out of 20 teams in the Rx’d division.



Looks like “Sandy” is going to be legit, we have decided to cancel all remaining classes for the rest of today (including on-ramp). In addition, there will be no 6am, 9:30am & 10:30am classes tomorrow.

Stay tuned to both the CrossFit Rockland website & FB page for additional schedule changes or closures due to the storm. 

Please use caution and stay safe!!!


WOD – 10/29/12

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
1 Rope climb
5 Kettlebell snatches Left (53#/35#)
5 Kettlebell snatches Right (53#/35#)
20 Alternating walking lunges

Post rounds completed to comments.

The “Scream N’ Clean” Throwdown is TODAY


The “Scream N’ Clean” Throwdown at CF Danbury is TODAY – CrossFit Rockland is CLOSED.


The “Scream N’ Clean” Throwdown is TOMORROW

I see another “Ladies Night” in the near future…..Details will be posted SOON!


CrossFit Rockland will be CLOSED TOMORROW for The “Scream N’ Clean” Throwdown at CrossFit Danbury.

Event information and updates from the organizers have been emailed to all team captains, so please check-in with your captain. They are asking everyone to arrive between 7:30-8:00AM and parking will be limited. Car pooling would be a good idea and CFR makes a great meet-up point 🙂

Directions to CrossFit Danbury can be found HERE.


WOD – 10/26/12

Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 minutes of:
Sprint 200m
Rest 30 seconds

Post rounds completed to comments.

Strength Day

She lifts heavy sh*t & bakes kick a** paleo cupcakes!! Need I say more??


CrossFit Rockland will be CLOSED this Saturday for The “Scream N’ Clean” Throwdown at CrossFit Danbury. Please plan your workouts accordingly.


WOD – 10/25/12

Overhead Squat

Post weight(s) used to comments.