Another paleo friendly meal! A nice 8oz fillet, grilled portabello mushroom, grilled tomato and caramelized carrots…woohoo! It is just too bad I found this place the day before I leave! If your travels ever find you in Chester I recommend BarLounge. Good staff, good food and it seems like the place to go in town!
This will be the Traveling CrossFitters last post from this edition, but no worries, there will certainly be more! It has been a blast. My only regret was not getting to the CF Affiliate in Liverpool, timing was just not on our side, but plans are already in the making for some CFR/CFL action next trip!
Before I go, I thought I would give you guys a few “Final Thoughts”
Final Thought #1:
I have seen this before in my travels through Europe, but I like it more and more each time.
It is basically a master power switch that goes on when you put your room key in. It turns on all the outlets, light, etc. and also shuts them off the moment you pull your room key out and leave. Yet another environmental move in the right direction by the UK in terms of energy efficiency. Granted the first time I saw this it took me a near half hour before I figured out how to turn the lights on, but just think of never needing to worry if you left the lights on or whatever….BRILLIANT!!!
Final Thought #2:
The UK totally has cooler cars than the US. There are tons of car manufacturers we have never even heard of and models from ones we have that will never see light of day in the states…BOO! I am personally not a Honda man, but the new Civic, which I imagine will reach the states at some point is bad a**!
Final Thought #3:
Once again I state…the Brits ROCK! Every time I am here they are so helpful and friendly! To think of a place where everyone says “Cheers”…aka…”Thank you” every time you hold the door open! Traveling solo means you are that creepy guy in the corner, but when the servers and bartenders take the time to sit and chat it makes you a lot less creepy 🙂
Well that’s a wrap! I am looking forward to getting back to the box and you guys! I have been researching some interesting new movements that surprisingly CrossFit HQ has not got a hold of yet. Lucky you! I will leave you “yanks” with a little preview….
WOD – 1/19/11
Five rounds for time of:
10 Wall climbs
10 Toes to bar
20 Box jumps, 24″ box
For the wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall, and then descend back to the original position.
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