I guess you don’t need to look at the target when your KGB!!
This Sunday (3/17) there will be NO OPEN GYM. Instead, we will be doing the CrossFit Hero WOD “Murph” in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy. Heats will kick off at 11:00am, then we will enjoy some beers at the box after!!
WOD – 3/12/13
Complete four 3 minute rounds of the following:
12 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
Max rep box jumps (30”/24”)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*In this workout the athlete will be given 3 minutes in which to complete the deadlifts and then perform as many box jumps as possible with the remaining time. This will be followed by a 2 minute rest period.
Post total number of box jump reps to comments.