CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.1 at CrossFit Rockland!
This past weekend at CFR goes down in the history books for sure! What an experience!! We are SO PROUD of everyone participating in this and we can’t wait to see what next weekend has in store for 13.2!!!
If you are unable to make your heat assignment on Saturday due to other commitments, you must notify Jules by the end of TODAY so we can arrange for a make-up with one of the coaches. Make-ups MUST be completed by 11am on Sunday.
This Sunday (3/17) there will be NO OPEN GYM. Instead, we will be doing the CrossFit Hero WOD “Murph” in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy. Heats will kick off at 11:00am, then we will enjoy some beers at the box after!!
WOD – 3/11/13
Complete the following complex every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
3 Hang power cleans
1 Split jerk
*Use 70 – 75% of 1RM split jerk
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
20 Thrusters (115#/80#)
80 Double-unders
40 Pull-ups
Post number of rounds completed to comments.