Here fishy fishy

Bertha has TWO new friends….I introduce to you…Thelma and Louise!!!

As you can see, some of our new equipment has started to arrive!! This includes not one, but TWO band spankin new C2 rowers! Just look at them…makes you want to row right now…right? Well, don’t you worry, there will be PLENTY of fun rowing WODs coming soon!! Until then let’s warm these ladies up with same GAMES!

We will start by doing a little fishing at CFR. If your not familiar with the C2 Fishing Game, no worries, just ask your coach and he/she will explain the rules and how to play. As of today, we have a C2 Fishing Game Leaders Board (although we will jazz it up in the months to come). There is no limit to how many times you can play, but if someone is waiting to get on, finish your game and get your butt up!! We will be posting the top 5 scores so lets see who can stay on top the longest!!


WOD – 1/6/11

Three rounds for time of:
10 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
30 AbMat sit-ups

*Clean is a full squat clean for this workout.

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