We’re IN…..We’re IN!!!!!

CFR Move After Day 1

The first day of the move is over and although we still need to work through some more details, the bulk of it is done!! Due to the SUPER hard work from you folks, the move went pretty smooth. You guys kept showing up to help us move mats, lay the flooring, move the equipment and set everything back up! Without you……none of this would have been possible in such a short time and for this we owe EVERYONE who came to help us out a HUGE THANK YOU!!!! We have by far, the BEST community anyone could ever ask for!!!!

The best part was after a hard day of work we all got to kick back and have a kick a** good time at Janet’s house for our Paleo Potluck!! It was by far our BEST turn out! With Rick manning the grill and everyone bringing such AWESOME paleo dishes, the night was off to a GREAT start! Add a little NorCal Margarita’s, Coconut Vodka and some Corona’s….YEAH it was a good night!!!

We also voted and announced our winners of the Whole30 Paleo Challenge! EVERYONE made such AMAZING progress and it became obvious after looking through the pics just how far you all have come!!! You ALL should be SO SO PROUD of yourselves! With that being said…….CFR has voted……and the winners of the Whole30 Paleo Challenge…..are:

1st Place: Danni Irizarry who won $300!!!
2nd Place: Matt Schwartz who won a FREE MONTH – Unlimited Membership
3rd Place: Kelli Burti who won a FREE Bottle of SFH Fish Oil….YUMMY!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to our winners and to EVERYBODY who did the Whole30 Challenge! The results speak for themselves and we truly are so proud of EVERYONE!!! We would also like to thank both Janet and Rick for opening their home to us crazy savages and hosting an awesome party!!!

And now to launch the new and improved CFR version 2.0, I give you……….


WOD – 6/11/11

“Bear Complex”

7 sets of the following sequence:
    Power clean
    Front squat
    Push press
    Back squat
    Push press
5 Rounds

Rest as needed between rounds.

In this workout you will increase the weight each round, going for a max load in the final round. There is no time component and you can rest anywhere, at anytime, except on the ground (even to re-grip).

Post weights used for each of the 5 rounds to comments.

Compare to 2/11/11.

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