Tis the season for CrossFit!!

The David: Before and After Thanksgiving


Ah yes…the gluttony of Thanksgiving is now over and we hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. The mashed sweet potatoes with the marshmallows on top is all gone, the cranberry sauce is still left untouched, and you’ll be eating some form of turkey for the next 3-4 days!! Now it’s time to get out of that insulin coma and get back to business!

We will be running some FREE sessions to work off that Turkey…so contact us today for your Black Friday workout!


WOD – 11/26/10

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
10 Ring dips

Each set of 10 for both the Front squats and the Ring dips are to be performed unbroken. A penalty of 10 Double-unders is to be completed each time the set of 10 is broken before the set could be finished.

Post time and number of penalties to comments.