Now that’s TEAMWORK!!!
Schedule Update:
Please be advised that our schedule will be changing starting next week. We will be moving both the 9:00am & 10:00am classes up a half hour to 9:30am & 10:30am. In addition, we will no longer be offering the 7:00am & 8:00am classes, as these two class times did not seem to be popular with the masses…lol! However, as always, our policy remains that if 5 or more people would like to train during a given time slot which is not offered, we will do our best to accommodate.
Making these changes will allow CFR to focus it’s resources more effectively on the classes we currently have along with some other cool things we are working on, such as our “On-Ramp” beginners program and some more fun stuff we got up our sleeves 🙂
WOD – 1/31/11
Post weight(s) used for each of the 5 attempts to comments.