Kids do NOT try this at home!!

The Barbells for Boobs 2010 fundraiser at CrossFit ACT was a success! We had such an AMAZING time with some totally AMAZING people for a really AMAZING cause! I want to express a HUGE thank you to Bill and Rob from CF ACT for opening their crib to us and to the rest of the CF ACT crew who made us feel like home!

I also want to congratulate our very own jD who had the best time for the women! Not only was it her 1st time doing it as Rx, but it was only her second time doing “Grace”!! That is straight up LEGIT…we are so PROUD of you chica!! Keep it up! Jackie’s performance was just one of many amazing performances that day. There numerous male athletes from CF ACT who finished as Rx under the 3 minute mark (including our Drew at 2:58!) and the women were no joke either, especially Elizabeth (ECO) finishing along side jD!! We also learned that size means nothing as Jan…who weighs in at just about 135#…nailed it as Rx in 4:31…that’s his own body weight 30 times….BEAST! Of course lets not forget that fact that we got to raise some $$$ and hopefully save a few BOOBS!

Now I know most of you have probably looked at today’s WOD about 2 or 3 times in disbelief, but I can tell you as hard as it is to believe, this IS possible, but by very VERY experienced athletes! We will all be doing some various sub version of this WOD. Yet I felt it important to show everyone just what our bodies are truly capable of. Check it out here.


WOD – 11/1/10

Five rounds for time of:
3 Muscle-up Handstand push-ups
10 Burpee pull-ups

If you cannot do the muscle-up handstand push-ups, do 7 muscle-ups and 12 handstand push-ups each round.

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