

Could it be true??? A Whole30 APPROVED Bacon?!?!

Check it out……

Whole30 Approved Bacon


WOD – 4/9/12

Complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 Clean & Jerk (155#/105#)
1 Muscle-up
2 Clean & Jerks (155#/105#)
2 Muscle-ups
3 Clean & Jerks (155#/105#)
3 Muscle-ups
4 Clean & Jerk s(155#/105#)
4 Muscle-ups
5 Clean & Jerks (155#/105#)
5 Muscle-ups…

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 5 go on to 6. If you complete 6, go on to 7, etc.

Post reps completed to comments.

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