WOD – 7.23.13

Goodbye Kim Davis and HELLO Kim McKenna!!! Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. McKenna who tied the knot this past Saturday!
Goodbye Kim Davis and HELLO Kim McKenna!!! Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. McKenna who tied the knot this past Saturday!

Whole30 Update:
Now that Week #2 is underway and you have successfully made it through your 1st Whole30 weekend…we are willing to bet you had to explain yourself (more than once) why your “not drinking today” or “don’t really feel like eating that..”! So we figured it would be a good time to introduce you to the “The Paleo Pitch” as it is a useful tool when explaining to friends and loved ones, why it is you are doing what your doing…without making them feel awful about that pizza they are about to house down! Just remember your “Frenemies” are everywhere and it is up to you to stay focused 🙂

The Paleo Pitch
It’s Not Me, It’s You – The Frenemy

Workout of the Day
Five rounds, each for time of :
Row 500m
Rest 2-4 minutes
*This is a max effort row where 2-4 minutes is given for recovery between each effort.

Competitors Class
Complete the following EMOM for 18 minutes:
Odd – 3 Deadlifts @ 75% 1RM
Even – 30 second handstand hold

Complete the following EMOM for 12 minutes:
Odd – 10 Double KB swings (53#/35#)
Even – 10 Parallette shoot throughs

ME Box jumps in 3 minutes (30″/24″)

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