WOD – 10.22.15

TBT - Jules (B4B 2014)
TBT – Jules (B4B 2014)

Upcoming Events
“Barbells For Boobs 2015” is this Saturday! To donate and help support our team please CLICK HERE.

Workout of the Day
“The KB Test”
Three rounds of:
30 Kettlebell swings – 1:00 on/1:00 off (53#/35#)
*Every rep under 30 requires you to make up the difference in burpees during rest.


“Last Man Standing”
With a continuously running clock do one push press (95#/65#) and one over-the-bar burpee the first minute, two push presses and two over-the-bar burpees the second minute, three push presses and three over-the-bar burpees…… continuing until the last man is standing!

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