CrossFit Rockland Kids Coming SOON!!!!

That’s right!!! The Future of Elite Fitness is coming to CrossFit Rockland!!

Coach Drew and Coach Deb spent their weekend over at CrossFit New England getting their CrossFit Kids Certification!!

This means that now your kids will be able to get their very own junior dose of CrossFit. We are working on programs to benefit ALL youth levels. From your HS Kids looking for that edge, to the younger ones who need to release some energy, CFR will be offering CrossFit FUN for ALL ages.

More CrossFit Rockland Kids details will be posted soon so STAY TUNED!!!!


WOD – 2/13/12

Take 15 minutes to complete the following:
3 Shoulder Press at 70% of your 1RM
3 Shoulder Press at 80% of your 1RM
3 Shoulder Press at 90% of your 1RM


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
7 Push press (135#/95#)
10 Overhead squats (135#/95#)

15 AbMat Sit-ups

Post results to comments.