Get ready for some PR’s because our friends at Strength Specific Seminars are coming back to CrossFit Rockland as we host another Bronze Level Olympic Lifting Seminar on Saturday, August 24th!

Spaces are EXTREMELY limited and we can promise that this will sell out quickly (as it did last year), so please do not wait. Breyen and the rest of his crew at SSS have mentored the likes of: Annie Sakamoto, Kris Clever, and um…Jason Khalipa, just to name a few. The day will begin at 9AM and the cost is $250 payable HERE.

I don’t want you to simply take our word for it just because they gave us a whole bunch of PR’s last year, so I am providing some details on SSS below:

“More than just an Olympic weightlifting seminar company, Strength Specific Seminars is a brand. Born out of a backyard idea, Billy Bybee put down on paper (a fraction of) his ideas about Olympic weightlifting movements, and sought an avenue in which to drive them to as many CrossFitters as possible. He turned to his friend and co-founder Breyen Canfield and within weeks, they had reached hundreds CrossFitters from Wisconsin to California, with almost a 100% PR rate.

It wasn’t too long before word spread through the CrossFit world that Strength Specific Seminars was the best place to go to learn the snatch and clean & jerk. Since its inception in November of 2011, SSS has worked with everyone from competitive weightlifters to CrossFit Games champions, and Olympians to brand new CrossFitters who had never even touched a barbell before attending the seminar.”

But wait there’s more….

Strength Specific Seminars will also be sticking around on Sunday, August 25th to offer a Silver Level Olympic Lifting Seminar! This seminar takes things one step further and really focuses in on 1st, 2nd, & 3rd pulls, along with programing for specific athletic needs and competition. Pre-requisites for this are the successful completion of the Bronze Level. This day will begin at 9AM and the cost is $350 payable HERE.

**Register for BOTH the Bronze Level Olympic Lifting Seminar and Silver Level Olympic Lifting Seminar and receive $100 OFF the combined price!!!**

And YES…these seminars are also being sponsored by Kill Cliff, but I assure you this is purely just a coincidence and has nothing to do with my own personal addiction to the stuff…LOL!!!

Soooo what do you say…let’s get you registered (Hint: Use the drop-down menu)


CrossFit Rockland Whole30 Challenge July 15th – August 15th

Our favorite 30 day challenge is BACK!!

Ever wonder what eating perfectly clean for 30 days could do for your body?  Do you wish you had a supportive community to help you break your habits?  Want to win some cool prizes for getting healthier?  Oh yeah and look better naked?!?

Heck yeah you do!! So join CrossFit Rockland for our Whole30 Challenge!!!

Who: Members and Non-members welcome
What: 30 days of “CLEAN” eating (as WE describe
Where: Up to you, but we suggest your kitchen
When: July 15th  – August 15th
Why: Because you want to be fit, healthy and look sexy as BLEEP!

Rules of “The Challenge”

Cost: $20 for members and $50 for non-members

Requirements: Pictures are a requirement to be eligible for the prizes. Pics will be taken at CrossFit Rockland during the “Picture Party” on July 13th (details below). Men should wear shorts and woman should wear either tight shorts and a sports bra or a two piece bathing suit. One caveat, please wear the same attire for your “before” and “after” pictures!

If you are not able to attend the “Picture Party” you will be able to take your pictures on July 15th from the hours of 8-8:30am or 7:30-8pm or by appointment. Pictures will not be taken during class times, so please don’t ask J

In addition, we will have a scale around for the weigh-in and we will be performing a few classic CrossFit “Benchmark” WODs before and after the Whole30 challenge so you have some performance markers to compare against.


Judging will be done by your peers based on your photos and the other cool data we get (weight loss, “Fran” times, etc.). Each “judge” will rank their top 3 Men AND top 3 Women from 1st to 3rd place. Within each division, 3 points will be awarded for first place, 2 points for 2nd place and 1 for 3rd. The winners (Men & Women) will be the contestants with the most points. The 2nd and 3rd places will be decided in the same manner.

Prizes:    1st Place – $$$Cash Prize$$$

2nd Place – 1 Month of FREE Unlimited Membership

3rd Place – FREE CFR Apparel

We want to be sure you are successful with this challenge so we are providing each participant with a guide to help you through these 30 days.  Just like last time, we’ve partnered with Whole9 to bring you a very easy to follow “how to” guide that will answer most of the questions you may have.

We will also be hosting a Whole30 Q&A Session on July 13th starting at 3pm (during our “Picture Party”) where we will describe the details of the Whole30 and talk a little of the WHY and HOW. Of course, throughout the challenge we will always be here to help answer any additional questions that may pop up (and they will) cause we really want you to succeed!

If you participated in our last challenges, get the ball rolling again! I would be willing to bet my Guinness (which yes I have to give up too) that you have “slipped” a bit since our last one. This will give you an opportunity to hit your body’s “reset” button and get you back on track!

The purpose of these 30 days is to get you more “in tune” with what you put in your mouth. It’s about being conscious about what you eat and subsequently, how you feel. We hope that you realize the benefits of living this lifestyle (as we have) and that you will continue to live it moving forward.


The 1st Annual “Over The Seas Competition”

American Heroes II
CFR/CFSH Over The Seas Competition:

When: Sunday, June 2, 2013
Time: Check-in at 10:00am
Where: CrossFit Rockland or CrossFit Sabalu Harrison (whichever is closer…LOL)
Cost: Donation Only

For the first time in CrossFit Rockland history, we are going to host a little friendly “virtual” competition with CrossFit Sabalu Harrison…….IN AFGHANISTAN!!!

For those of you who don’t know, our very own Coach Lindy helped create CrossFit Sabalu Harrison as a Military Affiliate during his last deployment and now he is pulling us all together for some good old fashion CrossFit FUN! The WOD has been structured in a way that EVERYONE can participate and earn points for CFR.

Of course once we finish…we’re gonna party, paleo pot-luck style!!! So start looking up your favorite recipes to share and yes…there will be beer! We are asking everyone to bring some type of paleo deliciousness along with the recipe so we can share the paleo love.

If you are interested in participating as a competitor please register at the box. We are asking for a small donation from everyone competing which will be used to send a cool care package to our friends over at CrossFit Sabalu Harrison.