Most people try to get stuff OFF their chests?!
A little CrossFit Rockland housekeeping….
Winter is officially here! This is awesome news for snowboarders and terrible news for gym floors! Please wipe your shoes clean when walking into the box! Remember, the floor that you walk on is also the floor we lay our business on too.
As a bonus, you could be SUPER cool and wear a different pair than you use to WOD. You know, like those shoes that got left in the closet since you wore your first pair of INOV-8’s….LOL!
Thank you in advance for being awesome about this!!
WOD – 1/25/12
For time:
250m Row
25 Handstand push-ups
25 Pistol squats (alternating legs)
25 Toes-to-bars
25 Burpees
25 Ring dips
250m Row
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