Dr. Russ proved to us all last weekend, that even doctors can do deadhang pull-ups!
So yesterday’s post hopefully provided you with some tips for how to navigate your Whole30 at home, but what about at the office? Or out with your buds? While there are super constructive ways to go about this, there are also some terrible ones (been there, done that) and they all start with….
“I don’t….insert your paleo thing that will make others feel bad about what they are eating right now HERE”
No one (especially your friends) wants to hear that the food they are eating is actually harming them, that they would need to give up certain things, or need to be a conscious consumer. Instead they want to be left as they are and will throw ANYTHING back at you to justify their methods. I am sure there is even an XYZ study found on Yahoo which shows how awesome Twinkies are for you.
Instead, it is always best to start with the positive and work your magic from there. We shall call this…….
The Paleo Pitch written by Whole9
WOD – 6/22/12
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang power clean (95#/65#)
Thruster (95#/65#)
Post time to comments.