Whole30 Challenge 2011

What do you do when you run out of dip stations….IMPROVISE!


Whole30 Challenge 2011
May 1st – May 31st

Ever wonder what eating perfectly clean for 30 days could do for your body?  Do you wish you had a support community to help you break your habits.  Want to win some cool prizes for getting healthier?  Oh yeah and look damn sexy for the summer???

Then join the Whole30 Challenge 2011.  Sign up now ($20) by putting your name on the Whiteboard.

We will begin posting the details, scoring, support, and rules over the next few days…so stay tuned! We will also go over the details at our CFR Happy Hour this Friday (4/29), yet another reason to come and grab a beer!!


WOD – 4/28/11

“Test 3”

Tabata Squat
Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.

Post score to comments.

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