Okay….so this move to CT has got me all sorts of behind and there is TONS of stuff I need to catch up on, so expect to see some blast from the past posts this week so I don’t miss anything!!!
For starters (and some of you have already seen this on FB), we would like to congratulate Luis and Jenn Martinez on their new bundle of joy!!! Genevieve Morgan Martinez was born last week (11/1/11) at 7lbs 12oz and is the very 1st CFR baby!!! Jenn was WODing with us through the majority of her pregnancy, so 12hrs of labor had NOTHING on her!!! Rumor has it….Genevieve is already training for the 2032 CrossFit Games! Join us in wishing the Martinez Family the very BEST!
CFR Ladies Night…..THIS Friday, 7pm at La Casa de Deb.
Contact her at debbie@crossfitrockland.com for further details.
WOD – 11/8/11
Seven rounds for time of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch
Make one snatch attempt per round.
Post time and total of all successful snatches to comments. Do not count missed reps.