The Whole30 Challenge v3.0

Last Whole30 Challenge v2.0 Winners….ZOMBIFIED!


The Whole30 Challenge v3.0
June 2nd – July 1st

It’s that time again….time to empty out those cupboards and lock away the ice cream….The Whole30 Challenge v3.0 is about to BEGIN!!! You’ve heard us talk about it, you’ve heard those who have participated in earlier challenges talk about it, and now it is YOUR chance!!

If you have ever wondered what eating perfectly clean for 30 days could do for your body?  Wished you had a support community to help you break your habits and win some cool prizes for getting healthier, then here is your opportunity!  Oh yeah, and did I mention you’ll look damn sexy too???

Sign up starts TODAY for The Whole30 Challenge v3.0 at CrossFit Rockland! So here is what you’ll need to do:

  • Grab $20 and sign-up at the box
  • Have “pre-photos” taken 5/31 or 6/1
  • Weigh-in 5/31 or 6/1
  • Participate in the “pre” benchmark WOD on 6/2

Only the photos will be required for prize eligibility. All the other info will just be cool to know when we do the “post” 🙂

More details can be found HERE and we will also go over them at our CFR Happy Hour this Friday (6/1), yet another reason to come and grab a beer!!


WOD – 5/31/12

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Overhead squats (95#/65#)
Hand-release push-ups
Hang power cleans (95#/65#)

Post time to comments.