The Whole30 Challenge v3.0 Starts TODAY!!!


The Whole30 Challenge v3.0 has officially begun!

Throughout the next 30 days we understand that you might have some questions as to WHY exactly we are asking you to do these CRAZY things?! So we figured it would be a good idea to share some of the background information behind our reasoning. This might both help you to stay on track and also help you understand the purpose behind what your going through….even though the fun has JUST started 🙂

Check out the following list of articles written by our friends at Whole9 which will lay the ground work:

The Grain Manifesto
The Dairy Manifesto
The Legume Manifesto


WOD – 6/2/12

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800m
25 Burpees
3 Rope climbs

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