The Surgeon General’s Warning On CrossFit….Well not really!!

Have you ever wondered what CrossFit might sound like if it came in a package with a Surgeon General’s warning?  Well, I have!  Allow me to indulge for a moment…

Contents of CrossFit may cause extreme sweating, overall fatigue, temporary soreness, muscle spasms and nausea.  Users may experience sudden changes in body temperature, elevated heart rate, bursts of adrenaline and shortness of breath.

Extended use may contribute to changes in quality of life, increased mobility and improved physical endurance, as well as strengthening of the user’s mental acuity and social capacity.

By-products of CrossFit, such as muscle mass, flexibility, speed and power, can remain in the body for extended weeks at a time, with known consequences.  The storage of these by-products increases the possibilities for chronic, as well as residual, effects on performance, even after the acute reaction to the initial workout has worn off.  Of special note are the long-term developmental effects in adults, who are particularly vulnerable to CrossFit’s behavioral and psychological effects.

Among the known or suspected chronic effects of CrossFit is weight loss, which can result in lower blood pressure, decreased blood sugar, and improved cholesterol levels.  CrossFit helps reduce signs of aging, elevate appetite, increase lung function, improve immune response, and boost overall health.

Although more research is required, recent national surveys report that 98% of heavy users experience some or all of those symptoms.

CrossFit is habit forming, and may cause extreme dependence resulting in withdrawal symptoms.

CrossFit is not for everyone.  Ask your doctor if constantly varied, functional movement performed at high intensity is right for you.

~Courtesy of CrossFit Zone


WOD – 11/17/10


Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Rest as needed between rounds.

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

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