“The Boxer”

Turns out, not only is Nick a WOD Stud, but he is also one heck of a good Coach! Hopefully CFR will see him behind the helm again soon!!!


May On-Ramp Starts TONIGHT at 7:30PM


WOD – 5/7/12

“The Boxer”

Complete twelve rounds of the following:
In 3 minutes:
Sprint 200 meters
25 Double-unders
With remaining time, do as many reps of burpee power cleans (95#/65#) as possible

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

In this workout you are required to complete at least six rounds. After the sixth round you may “throw in the towel” at any point. Your score is the total number of burpee power cleans completed. 

Post number of rounds completed and score to comments.

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