Rumor has it….this young lad also just hit his first muscle-up, but I am still waiting for the footage to validate this claim…Hahaha!!!
Congratulations Eric!!!! Now do it again and make sure the camera is on this time 🙂
Most of you know that our very own Ray Traitz is competing at the 2011 CrossFit Games Northeast Regionals this weekend in Canton, MA. Well, now you can track how he is doing using the widget below!!!
Reminder…..beginning tomorrow, CFR will be hosting yoga every Saturday at 11:15AM. Cost is only $10 per class and can be purchased either before class or by using the MBO System. Please register for yoga the same way as you would any other WOD class as you will now find it added to our Saturday schedule in the system.
WOD – 6/17/11
For time:
30 Snatches (135#/95#)
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