Action shot from “CFR Fit Test 1”
The CrossFit Rockland Ugliest Holiday Sweater Bowlathon Party at Pearl River Bowling Alley is THIS Saturday at 8pm!!
Rumor has it, there are some EPIC outfits in store! Hope to see you all there!
WOD – 12/13/12
In teams of 4, complete the following for time:
60 Calorie row
40 Kettlebell swings (53#/35#)
20 Lateral box jumps (24”/20”)
In this workout the Person #1 will start the row. Once he/she has finished the row Person #2 can begin the row as Person #1 moves on to the kettlebell swings, etc. Only one team member can be performing each movement at a time.
Post team time to comments.