Strength Specific Seminars – Saturday, Dec 8th


For quite some time now, you guys (and gals) have been asking for an Olympic Lifting Seminar and your patience is about to pay off! I have been searching for a while to find “the right fit” for CFR and I am super stoked to be able to announce that we will be hosting a Bronze Level Olympic Lifting Seminar from Strength Specific Seminars on Saturday, December 8th.

Spaces are EXTREMELY limited and I can promise that this will sell out quickly, so please do not wait. Breyen and the rest of his crew at SSS have already mentored the likes of: Annie Sakamoto, Kris Clever, and um…Jason Khalipa, just to name a few. The day will begin at 9AM and the cost will be $200 (or $100 deposit) payable through their site.

I don’t want you to simply take MY word for it, so I am providing some details on SSS below:

More than just an Olympic weightlifting seminar company, Strength Specific Seminars is a brand. Born out of a backyard idea, Billy Bybee put down on paper (a fraction of) his ideas about Olympic weightlifting movements, and sought an avenue in which to drive them to as many CrossFitters as possible. He turned to his friend and co-founder Breyen Canfield and within weeks, they had reached over a hundred CrossFitters from Wisconsin to California, with almost a 100% PR rate.

It wasn’t too long before word spread through the CrossFit world that Strength Specific Seminars was the best place to go to learn the snatch and clean & jerk. Since its inception in November of 2011, SSS has worked with everyone from competitive weightlifters to CrossFit Games champions, and Olympians to brand new CrossFitters who had never even touched a barbell before attending the seminar.

Soooo what do you say…let’s get you registered (Hint: Use the drop-down menu)



Speaking of cleans…..

CrossFit Rockland will be CLOSED this Saturday for The “Scream N’ Clean” Throwdown at CrossFit Danbury. Please plan your workouts accordingly.


WOD – 10/23/12

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 L-sit pull-ups
10 Hang power cleans (95#/65#)
15 Kettlebell swings (53#/24#)

Post rounds completed to comments.

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