We LOVE Pull-ups!!!!
I just love hearing about folks smashing their goals and the pull-up seems to be a linked to many of them! Earlier this week I got an email from a super stoked Luis who just nailed his first 5 in a row! Now he can link them together like a true bad a**!
Think back to when your goal was a single pull-up or double-under and look at how they have changed as time goes on to 30 unbroken or a 400# Deadlift!! Give yourself props for where you have been, but never stop pushing towards the person you can become!
Goals are important….keep setting them….keep SMASHING THEM!!!
Paleo Potluck BBQ August 27th:
Summer is coming to a close, but before it does we gotta have another Paleo Potluck BBQ! Even though he is a little busted up, Shaun and his wife (Marcy) have offered to host this event for us in their home….because they ROCK!!! We have posted a sign-up sheet at the box, so please sign your name up for what you wish to bring.
More details will be posted soon, stay tuned….
Reminder….The Rockland Boulders game is TOMORROW! We have reserved the porch for CFR so food and good times will be had by all!!! If you still wanna get in on the action it’s not too late….Contact Pete at pete@crossfitrockland.com!
WOD – 8/19/11
For time:
25 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
50 Pull-ups
25 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
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