Mission Complete!!!

That’s right, Bonnie now goes Rx’d too!!!

This past Saturday, Bonnie looked back at her 1 RM deadlift and noticed how much greater it was than the deadlift weight required for the workout. All we heard was “I guess I gotta do it now” and the rest is history! That’s 100 Wallballs at 14# and 100 Deadlifts at 105#….Now that’s SOLID!


Well….you did it!! The 2011 Whole30 Challenge is officially over and the results have been nothing short of SPECTACULAR!! We are seeing HUGE weight loss up around the 10-15 pound mark for most folks, first time pull-ups, first time muscle-ups, workouts as Rx’d, and PR’s all over the place! It is pretty safe to say that sticking with the program has led to hot down and dirty performance gains and bodies that are 100% beach ready!

As promised we will be having a post Whole30 “I did it” party where we will be casting our votes and announcing the winners of the challenge. To keep things simple, we have decided to have the party once we move into the larger space, which “should” be happening next week.

Please check the website daily as there will be a lot going on over the next two weeks with the Spartan Race, move, party, etc., and we want to make sure everyone stays in the loop! In addition, I will be posting some “Life after Whole30” articles and information to help ease the transition. Let’s start with this one, but make sure you read through the comments because that’s where the goods are…..

Life After Your First Whole30 written by Whole9


WOD – 5/31/11

Split Jerk

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