The Dynamax Medicine Ball….how could something that looks so much like a pillow do so much havoc!!!
So I saw this WOD on CrossFit One World and thought to myself…WOW…what a way to make a WOD which totally sucks even worse….BRILLIANT!!! Now the WOD originally called for 4 Burpees at the top of every minute, BUT since I like you folks so much, I reduced it down to 3…I know, I know….don’t all rush to thank me just yet!
On another note, don’t forget our 1st Annual CrossFit Rockland Holiday Social is set for Friday, December 17th 2010!!
WOD – 12/2/10
For time:
150 Wallballs (20#/14#)
BUT…..You must perform 3 Burpees at the top of each minute!
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