Jump up…jump up…and get down!!!

Ah…box jumps during the early days at CFR.

Box jumps tend to be one of those things that bring out a fear in some people. I am not exactly sure why this is, but I too find myself doing a little stutter step before testing out new heights. Best advice I can share is to just go for it! What’s the worst that could happen….you fall, get back up and realize the world didn’t end. Maybe you will no longer worry about it so much after that…in fact, it will probably lead to a new PR box jump!

Now forget all this talk about fear, falling and all that other jazz and go see if you can’t get to some new “heights” today!!

Ps…Drew has this freakish ability when it comes to box jumps so I encourage you all to a challenge. Anyone whose box jump beats Drew’s gets a Guinness!!! That is of course only if your over the age of 21!!


The CFR “Sweaty Sweetheart” week long event begins next week!!! Starting this Valentines Day bring your spouse, domestic partner, BF/GF, “Friend(s) with Benefits”, or whatever you crazy kids are calling it these days, to CrossFit Rockland and let them WOD along side you so you can show them what CrossFit is all about….Now that’s LOVE!!!


WOD – 2/10/11

Take 10 minutes to find your max box jump height.


For time:
Row 2000m

Post both your max box jump height and row time to comments.

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