This past weekend at the 1st Annual Bill Fortune Memorial Run, I experienced yet again, the amazing power of our community. We were all there for a great cause and to support one of our own (Janet). Some were there to run 5K, others the 10K and for some reason I got the genius idea to go for the 10K….hey readiness for anything right?
The first 5K went pretty well, but after about mile 4, I started to have my a** handed to me! I kept trying to find people to pace myself with, but they just kept passing me and this included “Mr. Orange”. Since he had by far the brightest and easiest shirt to see, I figured as long as I could keep him in my sight I would be okay, but some where round mile 5 he got too far away and I picked a new target, “Woman I can’t let beat me”, and for all intensive purposes we will call her “Pam”. “Pam” started to pass me too, and well I just was NOT gonna let that happen, she was making me move much quicker than I wanted to, but “screw it” cause it would all be over soon. I paced myself with “Pam” for a good 800m or so till I saw the sign for mile 6 and better yet “Mr. Orange”! I started to give a little kick, but “Pam” took all my juice, and she was still on my tail! I ran around the last turn and to the straight away. It was then that I heard it….the roaring sound of CrossFit Rockland screaming my name!!! It was all the folks who finished the 5K or 10K ahead of me and they were there bringing each one in….one by one. I ran as fast as I “thought” I could to get to them, until they gathered around me…100m or so left and there was “Mr. Orange” still ahead, but he didn’t have the one thing I did….CrossFit Rockland!!!
I passed “Mr. Orange” seconds before crossing the finish line! Having their support moved me faster than I had ever moved in my life, it was amazing and it was surreal, but there was no time to bathe in my glory for it was time to go back and run in the others….cause…..well…..that’s just what we do!!
In the photo you can see the very moment I passed “Mr. Orange”. Looking at the body language you can see just how powerful having them with me was compared to him. And for the record…..”Pam” can also be seen all the way up top, by the orange sign….that was right about where the crew carried me in…..and the rest was a PR by about 2 min 🙂
However, the day wasn’t about getting PR’s, although many did, or my personal triumph over “Mr. Orange”. It was about an experience that made me so proud of what CrossFit Rockland has become…..a family.
Memorial Day Class Schedule:
Just in case you feel like squeezing in a WOD while you run to the grocer to get more beer and ice, we will have a few classes on Memorial Day. We will have the 9:30am, 10:30am and will even have an 11:30am class (one day only), after that you will only find us by the BBQ!
WOD – 5/25/11
Two rounds for time of:
Run 800m
Walking lunges 200m
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