Hoboken Pump and Run


The best part about spring time rolling in is….yeah, yeah the warm weather….but what else?? EVENTS….lots of AWESOME events that we can participate in!!

The Pump and Run is a Max Rep Bench Press followed by a 5k Run sponsored by our friends over at CrossFit Hoboken. All proceeds from the event will go to support the Wounded Warriors Project which helps support our injured troops returning from foreign wars. Oh and did I mention….all competitors will be entitled to Free Beer at Texas Arizona in Hoboken immediately following the event!!

Here are the details…


Saturday, April 2, 2011 @ 12:00 PM local time


Pier A, Hoboken
Pier A, Hoboken Waterfront

Registration Closing Date:

Friday, April 1, 2011 @ 11:59 PM


  • A runner’s time will be based on how many times he/she can bench press the weight for their gender and age category.
  • There are four lifting divisions.
  • Runners not competing for prize money, may scale their weight.

Men 39 and Under – Contestants will bench press 135 lbs

Men 40 and Over – Contestants will bench press 115 lbs

Women 39 and Under – Contestants will bench press 65 lbs

Women 40 and Over – Contestants will bench press 45 lbs

Time Deduction:

30 seconds per rep will be deducted from the competitor’s final 5k time for the Pump and Run Division. The maximum deduction is 15 minutes (of 30 total reps)

Lifting Technique:

Lift starts with the bar in the extended position. Feet must remain in contact with the floor throughout the lift (no hooking bench support with feet/legs). Bar must touch the chest and be fully extended on each press – stopping terminates the lift. No bouncing bar off chest. Shoulder and rear must stay in contact with the bench during lifts. If necessary, plates may be placed under lifters’ feet. No baggy clothing, belts, wraps or lifting suits. Decisions of our judges are final.

Lifting Time:

Participants will begin by completing their max rep bench press. Registration and Bench Press will begin at Noon. Race will commence after all racers have completed their lift (approximately 1:00pm)

Their location is within walking distance from the train station, so the plan as of now is to take the train into Hoboken from Pearl River, BENCH, RUN, and then who knows….maybe some more beer and BURPEES!!!



WOD – 3/1/11

Two rounds for time of:
100 Double-unders
25 Overhead squats (95#/65#)
25 Pull-ups
400m run

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