Barbells for Boobs is this Saturday, October 22nd at 11AM! This year CrossFit Rockland is teaming up with CrossFit Westchester for the largest CrossFit Breast Cancer Fundraiser in Westchester! CrossFit Westchester will be hosting the event at their facility. CrossFit Port Chester will also be in attendance! Beer and food to follow (of course)!!
If you are interested in participating please make sure you register ASAP using the following instructions:
1) Click HERE or go to www.barbellsforboobs.com and scroll down the page to the Affiliate Leaderboard.
2) Search for CrossFit Westchester and click on the link to register.
3) The fee is $35 (all donation) and you get a t-shirt on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.
If you have any questions just contact me at Rob@crossfitrockland.com
CrossFit Rockland will be closed this Saturday (10/22) for Barbells for Boobs. Please plan your workouts accordingly.
WOD – 10/17/11
Take 15 minutes to complete the following:
5 Deadlifts at 65% of your 1RM
5 Deadlifts at 75% of your 1RM
5 Deadlifts at 85% of your 1RM
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes following the rep scheme below:
Run 200m
1 Deadlift (315#/225#)
Run 200m
2 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
Run 200m
3 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
Run 200m
4 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
Run 200m
5 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 5, go on to 6. If you complete 6, go on to 7, etc.
Post reps completed to comments.