Help CFR Support Nick’s Climb To The TOP!!!


On Sunday, March 3rd, Nick will lead other athletes from CrossFit Rockland on a 66 flight journey to the top of 30 Rockefeller Center for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Please help our team to create a world FREE of MS!!

The number of people living with multiple sclerosis increases every hour of every day. This astonishing rate is not going to slow down, let alone stop, until we’ve found a cure. Research has made some incredible advances recently, but the world can still only offer disease management drugs and therapies to the 400,000 people living with MS in America.

Nick formed a team for Climb to the Top because the National Multiple Sclerosis Society funds more MS research than any other private organization. In addition to supporting studies which hope to reveal the cause and course of the disease, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society also provides much needed education, programs, and services to everyone who is affected by MS – including the diagnosed, their friends and families, and the healthcare professionals who work with them.

To join our team as a participant or make a donation to one of our members simply CLICK HERE.


WOD – 2/13/13

Use 25 minutes to establish a 1RM Squat Snatch.


Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
1 Squat snatch using 80% 1RM
3 Muscle-ups
2 Squat snatches using 80% 1RM
5 Muscle-ups
3 Squat snatches using 80% 1RM
7 Muscle-ups


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