The Warwick Competition Crew.
Who is ready for another competition?
The Scream N’ Clean Halloween Throwdown is a 4 person (2 guys/2 girls) RX and Scaled team event hosted by CrossFit Danbury. This event is designed to test athletes of all levels, from the newer athletes competing in the sport of CrossFit to Games level athletes. Each team will be guaranteed 3 WODS with the top 5 teams competing in a 4th WOD. Prizes will be awarded to the top team finishers in each division.
Best thing is that the event calls for COSTUMES!!! HELL YEAH!!!
Registration for this event is limited and sure to sell out fast. If you are interested in this event please register your team by 9/22 to get in on the early bird admission. Remember….each team must consist of 2 men & 2 women AND the entire team needs to be either RX or Non-Rx division, but not mixed. Don’t have a team….no worries, we will be creating a list at the box to help you folks out 🙂
Here are some more details:
1 Day Event, 3 WODS, RX and Scaled Divisions
Rx Requirements: Be proficient with all barbell movements with 95lb/65lb, must be able to do pull-ups unassisted, double-unders
Scaled Requirements: Be proficient with 65lb/45lb with all barbell movements
For spectators and athletes alike, there will be Paleo friendly food providers, tent city, indoor warm up area and vendor areas.
To Register for The Scream N’ Clean Halloween Throwdown CLICK HERE.
CrossFit Rockland will be CLOSED on Monday (9/3) for Labor Day.
WOD – 8/30/12
For time:
15 Thrusters (135#/95#)
Run 200m
20 Thrusters (95#/65#)
Run 400m
30 Thrusters (65#/45#)
Run 800m
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