Do YOU Have A Reservation Sir???

Well Played Devin….Photo Bomb Accepted!


As most of you have probably already noticed, things are getting MUCH busier at CrossFit Rockland and that is because of the AWESOMENESS that is you folks who keep spreading the good word, keeping CFR as the place to be! 

With that being said, it also means some other things……..

PLEASE make sure you REGISTER for classes using our MBO System. We have our classes capped for a reason and that is to best serve you. We can’t stress REGISTERING enough, so please work with us on this! Moving forward anyone NOT registered for class will not be able to attend so please just DO IT 🙂

Also keep in mind that if you are registered for a session you know you cannot make, please be cool and un-register, classes have been packing out and you could be blocking someone else from getting in.

PLEASE be aware of your surroundings, a busy box makes for a sh*t load of FUN, but can also make for a dangerous place!

PLEASE clean up after your finished. This means clothes, equipment, chalk marks, and ESPECIALLY empty water bottles.

PLEASE stop taking showers in the sink! We totally get it, but in your Post WOD Drunkenness it would be way more awesome if you stepped outside, poured water over your head and enjoyed some fresh air.

On another note, this also means…..

YES, we are looking into MORE space…WOOHOOOOO!!!!

YES, we are ramping up on MORE gear!!!!!

YES, we are ramping up on our Coaching Staff!!!

We PROMISE to always do our best to continue making whatever changes necessary to maintain everything we have all grown to love about CFR and to keep it our HOME. It won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it! We LOVE you guys and your support means more than you could ever imagine!

Oh yeah and one more thing…..

PLEASE make sure you REGISTER for classes using our MBO System. We have our classes capped for a reason and that is to best serve you. We can’t stress REGISTERING enough, so please work with us on this! Moving forward anyone NOT registered for class will not be able to attend so please just DO IT 🙂

Sorry, just had to throw that our there one more time….


WOD – 6/6/12

Front squat

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