CrossFit Rockland Opens TODAY!!!!

The wait is OVER!!!! After months of construction, CrossFit Rockland is now ready to open it’s doors and show this town just what we’re about and what a better way to launch CrossFit Rockland than the WOD that started it all….”FRAN”!!

For those of you that are out there CrossFitting at a Globo Gym or hitting WODs in your garage just waiting for a hardcore CrossFit Affiliate to open in Rockland County…don’t let another day pass!! Contact us or stop on by and let us get you squared away!!

Now for those of you that have heard about CrossFit, but are not quite sure exactly what CrossFit is all about, please give us the opportunity to show you! Contact us and let us set you up with a FREE introductory Workout of the Day (WOD) so you can once and for all see what all the buzz is about!


WOD – 11/15/10


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster (95#/65#)

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