Who: Everyone (CFR and Non-CFR)
What: The CrossFit Rockland Ugliest Holiday Sweater Bowlathon Party
Where: Pearl River Bowling Alley
100 N. Middletown Rd.
Pearl River NY 10965
When: December 15th @ 8pm – 11pm
I am sure by now….EVERYONE has heard about our “Ugliest Holiday Sweater Bowlathon” so let this serve as a reminder to get out there and find your UGLY party gear! Borrow one from mom (yes, you know who you are), hit the thrift shop, or even make you own!
We have reserved a few lanes at Pearl River Bowling Alley, but whether you plan on bowling or not, EVERYONE is invited. Of course sporting your Ugliest Holiday Sweater is not a requirement, BUT this event is totally TACKY approved so rock your UGLY with pride!
WOD – 12/11/12
Perform the following every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
1 Power snatch at 85% of 1RM
2 Overhead squats
For time:
100 Burpees
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