The infamous Hopper Deck…
You might ask “how could a deck of playing cards reek so much havoc”!! Well soon you will find out! The Hopper Deck is one of the great ways to test the application of CrossFit as we train to be prepared to perform well at any given task. The Hopper Deck allows us to RANDOMLY pick a WOD and see how well one performs without being prepared. Even though the daily CrossFit Rockland WODs are posted only a few hours before your workout (for those early risers), it still gives you the opportunity to mentally prepare for the work you will be doing! So to make things even more interesting…when you see the WOD posted as “Hopper Deck ?????” this means…well….you just won’t know what’s coming at you till you get the box! Heck, we won’t even know!
Today’s WOD comes straight from the Hopper Deck and yes, you are getting to see it early, but don’t get too used to it…and ps….you can thank Coach Drew for the pick!!
WOD – 11/18/10
5-10-15 reps for time of:
Back Squat (225#/155#)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)
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