In a few hours I will be off to the UK and will be posting my tale of a traveling Crossfitter. Although the majority of this trip will be work, I am sure I will be able to find some time for play and will keep you all posted on what a CrossFitter is to do while traveling abroad.
The bags are packed full of free range beef jerky, dried fruit, almonds, and of course Lara Bars!! The only piece of exercise equipment I have brought is myself! Okay that is not totally true…I did pack a lacrosse ball, and although I could technically do some wallballs with it, I plan on using it to improve my mobility and undo the damage of sitting in the plane for 8 hours. I will be creating my WODs based on what is available to me at the time…maybe a gym…maybe some rocks…or maybe…just maybe a CF Affiliate in Manchester??? You will just have to stay tuned and find out.
Until then…..Cheers!!
WOD – 1/10/11
Four rounds for time of:
10 Back squats (155#/105#)
7 Ring dips
4 Rope ascents
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